Terms of Reference
- Background
While the Constitution of Nepal guarantees basic freedom to Nepali people, the contemporary political economic developments do not necessarily adhere to the same spirit of the constitution. In practice, individual freedom is being encroached at civil, political and economic fronts alike.
For example, the new criminal code curtails press freedom as the law prohibits releasing of private information, satires or disrespecting government officials. The Information Technology Bill empowers government authorities to restrict social media access by imposing penalties for posting ‘improper’ content on social media platforms. The year 2022 saw artists find themselves behind bars for satires that reflect the society’s realities. This means that cracking an unpopular joke as an artist is considered a crime of a similar degree as more heinous crimes like murder or rape, as both kinds of “criminals” are treated by the state in the same way. In the economic front, the institution of the contribution-based social security scheme has deprived individuals from their right over the fruits of their own labour.
Having said that, while the years immediately following the promulgation of the new Constitution and the successive governments that were formed showed (and continue to show) a growing affinity towards populism and authoritarianism and towards curtailing liberties of Nepali citizenry, a new trend that has begun to appear in the intellectual circles and in the social media of all demographics of Nepalis is that a voice in favour of liberties and liberalism are also beginning to be seen. Samriddhi Foundation has also had a small role to play in this.
Colloquiums on fundamental principles of liberalism are preparing a cohort of young generation that knows of these principles and brings them into the discourses they engage in or blogs and articles they author; localization of classical liberal texts that Samriddhi Foundation has focused on over the past half a decade is brewing a critical mass of intellectuals that was erstwhile exposed only to the idea of a planned state and command-and-control economy; and popular names like George Orwell are entering Nepalese parliamentary discussions through political leaders that understand, defend and promote liberal values. Most importantly, these are not just phenomenon that are being seen in the federal capital. Like-minded organisations that Samriddhi Foundation has been able to inspire across the country have also been introducing the lens of liberalism to the social, political and economic discourses at sub-national levels.
There are therefore reasons to be hopeful despite the big political challenge that looms large. Still, ideas themselves might not give the same degree of hope to the citizens unless those ideas also lead to tangible benefits accruing to the lives of the people. Thus, it is important to leverage this trend of growing support in favour of ideas of liberalism and leverage that to secure some policy reforms that promote markets and enhance the entrepreneurial ecosystem in the country – esp. for the disadvantaged groups like women and marginalized communities.
In the year 2023, Samriddhi Foundation aims to leverage the momentum and continue to work towards building a stronger critical mass in both political and apolitical circles of stakeholders. As an organization whose ideals are rooted in freedom, and who has over a decade of educating policymakers in the federal level by having them engage with intellectuals, bureaucrats, non-elected political leaders, locals and the private sector, we intend to play the role of a watchdog to sensitize the civil society regarding the spread of anti-liberal practices as well as educate policy makers to create liberal policies that can actually pave the path for the economic transformation of the country. Samriddhi strongly believes in the creation of a free society in Nepal because it is only in a free society with different value systems that one can freely contest their ideas in the public sphere and policy can be robustly formed without any undue influence.
- Program – Promoting Liberalism and Markets
2.1. Objective
- To encourage the exploration of ideas through informal, yet serious, discussion among a group of both partisan and non-partisan young intellectuals
- To immerse the participants in the values of a liberal society who can then act as the ambassadors of liberalism in Nepal
- To understand the specific policy barriers that hinder the growth of women entrepreneurship and advocate for necessary reforms with primary policy stakeholders
- Outputs
- A reader which will be a compilation of 30-40 articles on classical liberal ideas around the theme ‘Liberalism’ that will be shared with all participants at least two weeks prior to the event.
- Four colloquiums of 12 sessions each of moderated discussions on key principles and insights of liberalism
- Two round table discussions with women entrepreneurs – one with the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs’ Associations of Nepal, and one with the women entrepreneurs operating in the informal economy to understand the specific policy barriers that hinder the growth of women entrepreneurship
- One media-covered public-private dialogue to bring the issues identified through the engagements with women entrepreneurs to public discourse and enable identification of practicable policy reforms that can be shared with the primary policy stakeholders – the lawmakers and policymakers – to bring a positive change within the ecosystem of women entrepreneurship.
- Outcome
- Participants of the colloquia will be aware and knowledgeable about basic principles of liberalism.
- A network of likeminded young intellectuals from both political and apolitical backgrounds which could be leveraged to promote ideas of a free society in Nepal.
- Identification of specific policy barriers that hinder the growth of women entrepreneurship
- Lawmakers and policymakers are aware of the policy response that can bring a positive change within the ecosystem of women entrepreneurship.
- Methodology
The program has two components, and each will follow its own approach.
The colloquium will be a political education program whereby it will engage with 24 young intellectuals (both political and apolitical) by bringing them on the same platform to partake in a rigorous discourse over the key principles of liberalism like individual freedom, rule of law, limited government, property rights, and so on in a Socratic discourse manner.
Participants who believe in the philosophy of liberty will engage with one another over 12 discussion sessions discussing specially selected classical liberal texts with experienced and knowledgeable session moderators. The program will intend to encourage the exploration of ideas through informal, yet serious, discussion among a small group of individuals from a range of disciplines and expertise. Participants will be shared a list of articles around the theme of Principles of Liberalism, which will be further sub-divided into twelve sub themes, which they will read and sit at an informal setting to have a moderated Socratic discussion on.
Same reader will be used for all four colloquia such that by the end of the year, a new cohort of young individuals who are aware of principles of liberalism and who promote the values of liberalism at individual/group level will have been added to the existing one.
Promoting women-entrepreneurship:
This component will see Samriddhi enter into a strategic partnership with the umbrella organisation of women entrepreneurs in Nepal – the Federation of Women Entrepreneurs’ Associations of Nepal (FWEAN). Samriddhi will host one round table meeting with the leaders of the FWEAN to understand the key policy barriers that women entrepreneurs in the formal sector face. Additionally, Samriddhi will also do a round table discussion with women entrepreneurs in the informal sector such that no group is left behind. The two events together will lend Samriddhi a wholistic idea into the major barriers to women entrepreneurship in Nepal. Samriddhi will then take those issues identified to the public discourse through a public private dialogue which will see stakeholders like government officials, economists, advocates of women entrepreneurship, intellectuals and the media discuss what feasible interventions look like given the current Nepalin context. Samriddhi will then take up the ideas for intervention and advocate for the reforms with the political leaders in its network.
- Call for Quotations
In order to deliver this project, Samriddhi invites quotations from interested consultants for the following tasks and responsibilities. Interested individuals or consulting agencies are requested to send in detailed quotations including estimated costs, and detailed resumes to:
Either [email protected] (Samriddhi Foundation), [email protected] (Nabina Prajapati) via email, or, hand deliver the quotation to Samriddhi premises at 664, Bhimsengola Marga, Minbhawan Kharibot, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Kindly mark the positions that is being applied for on the cover of the envelope. The quotations should reach Samriddhi by 26 April, 2023. Contract award will be communicated after 2 May, 2023 to all the applicants.
4.1 Discussion Series Reader Developer (X1)
- Develop a comprehensive reading material spanning twelve chapters and covering at least three readers on each of the chapters. The chapters should cover basic principles of liberalism like Skepticism about power, Rule of law, Individualism, Limited government, Spontaneous Order, Private Property, Free markets and Competition, etc.
- Recommend additional reading and reference materials for the moderator as well as the participants.
- Develop a mechanism for testing the learnings of participants
The Consultant should have the following qualifications:
- Have a Master’s degree or higher in Social Science (preferably public policy),
- Have at least 5 years’ experience of working in Nepal-based organisation studying public policy,
- Understand policy process in Nepal,
- Prior experience of having designed workshops
Preference will be given to candidates who have designed workshop curriculums in the past
Duration: The consultant will work on this project for a total of 24 days (two days per session).
Remuneration: Negotiable. The Consultant is required to offer their quotation first.
4.2 Layout and Design of Discussion Series Reading Materials (X1)
The Consultant will be responsible for:
- Coordinating with Samriddhi Foundation on the expected (and consolidated) layout and design of the reading materials to be used for a series of discussions
- Executing document layout, design and revisions
- Reviewing final layouts and suggesting improvements, as needed
- Actively contributing to the creative process
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
- Have at least 3 years’ experience of layout and design of books and/or publications of research and advocacy organisations
Duration: The Consultant will work on this project for 12 person-days (one day per topic).
Remuneration: Negotiable. The Consultant is required to offer their quotation first.
4.3 Colloquium Coordinator
The Colloquium coordinator will be responsible for:
- Working with Samriddhi Foundation to communicate selection results with candidates
- Compile reading materials and all videos and other reference materials to be used by lecturers and participants throughout the colloquium
- Coordinating the physical organisation of the colloquium including participant attendances and recesses
- Coordinating with the colloquium moderator, communicating colloquium’s expectations with him/her and making necessary arrangements as per the moderator’s session plans.
- Conducting pre and post tests of the participants
- Ensuring record-keeping of all sessions
- Handling participant queries and issues throughout the colloquium
- Overall logistical support of the colloquium
The consultant should have the following qualifications:
- Have a Bachelor’s degree or higher in Social Science,
- Have at least 3 years’ experience of organizing and coordinating workshops and trainings,
Preference will be given to candidates who have worked with public policy institutes in the past
Duration: The Consultant will work on this project for eight days per colloquium. A total of four colloquia will be organized in 2023.
Remuneration: Negotiable. The Consultant is required to offer their quotation first.