
Parliamentarian Participation: Attendance Trends and Committee Participation

With the successful completion of federal parliamentary elections and provincial parliamentary elections we now have an image of how the parliament looks like. Members of the parliament are often dubbed as lawmakers, given their role in the law-making function of the parliament. Yet it is also true that the parliament never makes the law in the truest sense of the word. Drafts of legislation originate within the upper echelons of bureaucracy; they are scrutinized first by the executive and then finally sent for the parliament’s approval. Scholarly work has often labelled parliament as merely a rubber stamp, especially parliament’s that are modeled after Westminster. Nepal’s law-making process is not different from the rest of the world in so far as the origination of the draft legislation and its scrutiny first by the executive is concerned. In recent years, equal emphasis has also been placed on the policy power of parliaments. This has followed from a detailed analysis of how parliamentarians use speech and their own participation in house sessions and committee meetings to influence policies and legislation.

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