To realize the vision of a prosperous Nepal, young people have an important role to play – be it in taking the first step towards enterprise building or towards shouldering the risk and leadership it takes to be innovative and creative.
Arthālaya (School of Entrepreneurship and Economics) is a five day workshop promoting the spirit and skill of entrepreneurship and sensitizing young people (from from undergraduate and graduate courses) about economic freedom and policy regime. The purpose of this program is to help young people explore alternative ideas for Nepal’s existing problems; to help young people understand the value of entrepreneurship and to help them learn the know how of building new businesses and inject new ideas into the economy for promoting economic reform.
This award winning program uses array of teaching tools from lectures and discussions to participatory techniques like simulation, group work, case studies and outdoor bound activities to reinforce entrepreneurship and educate about policy issues that affect entrepreneurship and the economy of Nepal.
Here is one of the recent videos of Arthalaya.
Launched in January 2009 and having organized 19 Arthalayas (as of Dec 2015) so far, the program has produced 432 graduates representing more than 100 different educational institutions.
More than two dozen graduates have started their own ventures and a lot of them are involved in over twenty entrepreneurs clubs established by graduates of the program. The entrepreneurship clubs’ organize talk programs, skills workshops, documentaries shows, exhibitions and much more to promote entrepreneurship among young people.
Here are some videos to show why Arthalaya is very special – for not only us, but also those who have attended the program and will attend in the future :
Arthalaya is comprehensive.
This short video tell you what Arthalaya is and how it works.
Arthalaya is creative.
Watch some participants of the eighteenth batch of Arthlaya make a case for more aid and less trade for a debate sesssion through a fun song (based on a popular folk Nepali song).
More videos from us HERE.